"As you give, so you shall receive."
To counter any kind of suffering, give. You must learn to give until you become the embodiment of giving. Give with your heart. The technique is to give without counting. Grab the chance for giving at every instance. For example, if you have a family and you have 3 children, your 4th children should be humanity.
Unless you practice the law of giving, you will only have a part of your success, you will not get your complete birthright and your life will always remain meager.
You will never succeed in any field of endeavor: business, love, life, job, music - in anything you do unless you learn to become a giver.
The core principle of acquiring wealth is through giving, and one form of it is through "tithing," which has been practiced across time and culture.
What is Tithe/Tithing?
- The word "tithe" was derived from Old English teogopa meaning "tenth." It is a one-tenth part of something . Today, tithes (or tithing) are normally voluntary and paid in cash, cheques, or stocks, whereas historically tithes could be paid in kind, such as agricultural products.
- Tithing is a spiritual law given by God to humankind to assist people in finding abundance, fulfillment and gratitude in their everyday lives. When a person tithes, the universe that works under the spiritual law of tithing says, "If you have that much to give, that means you are open to receive more."
Tithing is a spiritual law. when you commit doing it, something inside you works differently from that day forward. Conditions may or may not immediately change in the physical, but inside, it can work wonders.
Tithing in the Bible
Tithing is first mentioned in Genesis 14:20, when Abraham gave Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of the most high God, a tithe of all his spoils. This was around 1900 B.C.
This meeting of Melchizedek with Abraham is seen as a precursor to the tithing that would be required under the Law given to Moses. The narrative for this can be found in the book of Genesis. Deuteronomy 14:26 command the Israelites to spend the "to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, anything you wish."
Later scripture grows insistent. "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, How have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in mine house, and test me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive." (Malachi 3:8, 10)
Why Should I Tithe?
Our job is to overcome our lower nature so we can live in the awareness of our Soul. When we tithe, we are letting the material world let go of us. Tithing is a part of a spiritual law and assists us in getting free of materialistic confinement. People who have practiced tithing have reported tremendous positive results in their finances, relationships, health and careers.
As humankind fulfills its part in giving, then God fulfills his part by continually blessing us. So, you may want to check it out with a joyful attitude of saying, "Lord, I am open to receive whatever it is that you bless me with."
There are no 'shoulds' to tithing. You may, however, wish to open up a channel of greater abundance for yourself, and tithing is an effective and proven way of doing this. The abundance comes through Spirit and takes many forms. Remember, you are tithing for you, for your own growth and fulfillment.
The tithing law is to give 10% of your Gross Income from all sources.
That is the tithe, one tenth.
It is also said that tithe is 10% of everything. For instance, do you have fruit tree? Tithe ten percent of your fruit tree. Do you have a garden? Tithe ten percent of the increase of your garden. Do you rent houses to others? Tithe ten percent of your profit.
The tithe is the first ten percent . If you receive something, you tithe or give the best. You do not give the worst to God, but the best. For instance, if you catch ten fish, you tithe one of those fish. You do not tithe the worst one, you tithe the best one.
Source: www.kmce.ph
Cre: to the owners of the images that i used.